In practice, the Hi-Opt I is based on the general principles of card counting.
Humble and Cooper took the concepts of Charles Einstein and tweaked them to produce what remains to be a very popular and effective card counting system. The Einstein Count was later refined by Lance Humble and Carl Cooper into the system we know today as Hi-Opt I. Tip: You should also check the following: Edge Sorting, Hole Carding, Shuffle Tracking, Wonging in Blackjack, Camouflage Betting, Team Play, Betting Spread, & Risk Of Ruin. It soon became known as the Einstein Count in honor of its creator. Einstein sought to improve upon the Thorp’s Hi-Lo method of counting and the Highly Optimum method was born.
Thorp, who wrote the definitive blackjack book on card counting titled Beat The Dealer. Einstein was obviously influenced by the work of Edward O. The Highly Optimum card counting system was originally designed in 1968 by Charles Einstein.